Breed: Domestic Short Hair-black

Age: Baby

Sex: M

Size: M
To meet this kitten
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here to fill out an adoption application . We will get back to you shortly to arrange the meeting.

Please call Sue at 905-294- for more information....
Dorian is 4 months old now. He is friendly, very talkative, playful and loves attention! Actually he needs attention. He talks when he is hungry. He talks when he wants a door opened. He talks when he is lonely......he is all attitude, one of those cats who carry their tails draped over their backs. He is very involved. He is also brilliant. He is fast....his favorite activity is attacking the fax machine when it makes funny noises and spews stuff out. I think he'd be a perfect cat for the six and up crowd.

As per his foster person......Yes Dorian is a real active boy - will not sit still for more than 2 minutes
loves attention, gets into everything, has fallen into the sink when filled with water too many times to count.....loves to watch as water goes into the sink and as it drains then stands in the sink to see what happened to it - hence
wet foot prints all over the counter.....cries for attention, cries for food or treats, has a favourite toy which he plays with for hours, picks up throws and
off he goes (green plastic slinky toy for cats). He enjoys terrorizing my crew
He can be relentless in his stalking of my 6.5 yr old (large sucky cat) Storm and gets him crying. Chases Fiona around the house and has her hissing like mad!....With all the things he does to make you mad you quickly forget when he comes up for cuddles, cries, falls to his side
kneads and falls a sleep - waking every now and then to cry and to check and see if you are still there
He could go by himself which would be best then he could only bug the new owner.....that is of course only if someone is home all day....
Kittens must be adopted with one of their siblings unless there is already a resident cat to keep the kitten company. Prior to adoption the kitten will be microchipped, vaccinated (1st set only) and dewormed by AVA. Kittens will also be neutered by AVA at the appropriate time (usually 6 months of age).
All these procedures are included in the $150 adoption fee. If you decide to adopt a pair of kittens it is $275 for 2. If desired, there is a gift of 6 weeks of free pet insurance available.

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Contact: Action Volunteers for Animals - Toronto Central | Toronto, ON